Bra size calculator
Our bra size calculator is a tool to calculate cup size exclusively for Purely Femme bras.
Why do we talk about perfect bra size here? to calculate cup size right? There are numerous bra size calutators on the web to tell you how are bra sizes calculated, like Zivame bra size calculator, then what is the reason for using Purely Femme bra size calculator? Well, we have surveyed througout the internet and did not found any calculator which measures perfect bra size easily. They are either very complex or requires various stages of data inputs from users end to calculate the perfect bra size, some of them even requires users to log into the site to calculate.
We at Purely Femme practices simple techniques to keep things simple, we know that measuring perfect bra size can be overwhelming, as there are so many factors to consider, like first measuring the "Underbust or Rib Size", seocondly measring the cup size i.e. the " Overbust or Cup Size or simply Bust Size" and after measuring these two parameters there are ranges of numbers to determine the actual bra size, we, as a lingerie expert, cut down all these hefty calculations, to make things easier to answer your question "how are bra sizes calculated?", in the easiest way we can. There are traditional system and modern algorithmic system to calculate cup size. We implemented this simple yet powerful bra size calculator to help you make proper decision regarding bra size. There is also a bra size chart for you to take a look at, if you want to go out determining your bra size, the traditional way. But, this calculator is easy to use. Also, this would help you to buy proper bra & change from traditional system to modern algorithmic system.
How do you use it? You should know bust and rib measurements in inches. When you measure, wear a normal bra (not pushup) and get natural sizes. See the below image and find where to measure bust and rib.
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When you measure, you should do three things. First is round the number to nearest number. If it 36.5 inch, round it to 37. Second is making it even number. If it 37 inch, make to nearest even number 38. Third is do loose measurement, not tight. Note: Properly measured bust size will give exact bra size.
Manual Bra Size Calculation
In case you are purchasing from a lingerie store, you can do manual calculation, as mentioned here, first you have to measure the bust and rib size (in inches). Remember, you do need to change the bust size to the nearest whole number, ex. if bust size is 36.6, then you should take bust size as 37, also you need to measure your rib size and convert it to the nearest whole and even number ex. if your measured rib size is 33.3, you have to convert it to whole and enen number i.e. either 32 or 34, now you have to consider which number is nearest to 33.3, it's 34 right? so your measured rib size should be 34, you have to do so for rib size since bra size derives from rib size and all bra sizes comes in even number.
Once you get the measurements, subtract rib size from bust size. After that, use the following bra size chart, and find the cup size, and ultimately the right bra size. Eg: If bust size is 37 and rib size is 34, subtract rib size from bust size, i.e. (bust size - rib size) like 37-34 in our example, and you will get the result 3. Therefore, cup size is C, and your proper bra size is 34C.
Inch | Cup | Inch | Cup | |
1 | A | 7 | G | |
2 | B | 8 | H | |
3 | C | 9 | I | |
4 | D | 10 | J | |
5 | DD | 11 | K | |
6 | DDD / F | 11 | L |